See our



Integrative Cardiology Consultation

WPR Heart & Health and Dr. George take a holistic approach to cardiovascular health that combines conventional medical treatments with complementary and often more essential therapies.

This approach focuses on addressing the root causes of heart disease and promoting overall wellness.

Woodbury, New York

call 516-307-0776 for more information

Naples, Florida

call 212-245-8816 for more information


Integrative Weight Loss Program

Dr. George and WPR Heart & Health offer integrative weight loss programs that combine medical expertise with a holistic approach to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals.

These programs are designed to address the underlying factors contributing to weight gain and obesity, promoting long-term success and overall well-being.

Woodbury, New York

call 516-307-0776 for more information

Naples, Florida

call 212-245-8816 for more information


Anti-aging Consultation

Dr. George and WPR Heart & Health are offering cutting-edge treatments and personalized care to help individuals look and feel their best as they age.

With their comprehensive approach and commitment to patient well-being, they have become trusted leaders in the field of anti-aging medicine.

Included areas of focus are:

a) Bio-identical Hormone Balancing

b) Aesthetic Medicine

c) Sexual Wellness

Woodbury, New York

call 516-307-0776 for more information

Naples, Florida

call 212-245-8816 for more information


Regenerative Medicine Consultation

Dr. George and WPR Heart & Health are at the forefront of regenerative medicine, offering innovative treatments and therapies to promote healing and restore health.

Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities to repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs.

It involves the use of advanced techniques and therapies, such as stem cell therapy, therasomes, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy, and regenerative injections, to stimulate the body’s own healing processes.

Included treatments are:

a) Ozone Therapy

  • Major Auto Hemotherapy (MAH)

  • Prolozone Therapy

b) Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) injections

c) Therasome Therapy

5) Advanced Wound Care

Woodbury, New York

call 516-307-0776 for more information

Naples, Florida

call 212-245-8816 for more information


Advanced Wound Care

Dr. George and WPR Heart & Health are leaders in advanced wound care management, offering comprehensive solutions to promote healing and improve the quality of life for individuals with chronic wounds.

Woodbury, New York

call 516-307-0776 for more information

Naples, Florida

call 212-245-8816 for more information


COVID and COVID Vaccine Recovery Programs

Dr. George and WPR Heart & Health are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and care for individuals experiencing long-haul Covid symptoms or post-Covid vaccine injuries.

With their expertise in integrative medicine, they offer specialized programs designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by these individuals.

Woodbury, New York

call 516-307-0776 for more information

Naples, Florida

call 212-245-8816 for more information