Wellness, Prevention and Rejuvenation

Throughout my career in conventional medicine, I witnessed the limitations of the healthcare system in addressing chronic health issues. While I was able to provide patients with the best that conventional medicine had to offer, I noticed that many individuals were not experiencing the desired outcomes. They continued to struggle with recurring conditions, side effects from medications, and a decline in overall health.

We See:

These observations led me to question the conventional approach and seek alternative solutions. I realized that chronic inflammation was at the root of many major health problems, from autoimmune diseases to heart disease and cancer. Conventional medicine, while effective in managing symptoms, did not address the underlying cause of chronic inflammation.

We will:

At WPR Heart & Health, our mission is to integrate the best of conventional medicine with forgotten knowledge from the early years of medical school. We aim to reduce or eliminate medications, identify the root cause of your health concerns, prevent diseases associated with chronic inflammation, and guide you on a journey to rejuvenation.

Our approach is comprehensive and personalized. We take the time to understand your medical history, conduct appropriate genetic testing, and develop a customized life, health, and diet plan. By addressing the underlying causes of chronic inflammation, we can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.

I founded WPR Heart & Health with the belief that true wellness is achieved through a holistic approach that goes beyond symptom management. Our team is dedicated to empowering you to take control of your health and live a life filled with abundant energy, less pain, and freedom from disease.

Join us on this transformative journey towards optimal health and rejuvenation. Together, we can make a difference in your well-being.


Dr. George Yiachos
Founder of WPR Medical and WPR Heart & Health